Thursday, December 29, 2011

November 29, 2011

     We made it!!!  The kids were great on the flight.  Nick decided he was ready to be done with about 20 minutes left, but nothing 50 renditions of Wheels on the Bus couldn't fix!  Our experience at the Pudong airport was interesting.  As if having blonde haired, blue eyed kids wasn't eye catching enough, pushing four carts carrying our 18 checked bags (11 of which were 25 gallon rubbermade bins) brought on several finger pointing episodes.  The one comment which I heard several times was "oh, four kids!" followed by lots of waving.  Drew's response: "Why are Chinese people so friendly?".

     Once we finally made it out of the airport, we headed over to our house.  The kids were thrilled with our choice, even without seeing the pools!  We dropped off our bins and went to our hotel for dinner.  Our first meal in China...Papa Johns pizza, of course!!  We are slowly easing our way into the chinese culture. 

     Thank you all for the help you've given over the last few weeks and all of your prayers.  Our trip here couldn't have gone better.  We believe God has sent us here for a reason.  We are anxious to see how he uses us the next two years.  We love you all and look forward to talking with you soon.


  1. So happy you made it safely. Be ready for many pictures to be taken of your family!!! They love blonde.:) We'll be following your adventure!!! Sure wish we could visit you!!!! Huge hugs!!!

  2. You certainly have been on my mind. Glad you made it through the flight with no issues. Looking forward to following your journey and seeing how God uses you.
